Tapping into social media culture, relevant trends & topics, and harnessing nostalgia with the humor-driven and unhinged approach to Lionsgate’s film catalog.

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Disney+ TikTok

From launch content to timely trends to self-aware videos that speak to a diverse community of fans, we create something for everyone on the Disney+ TikTok!

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What We Do

Moreso than ever before, it’s becoming important for users to connect with the brands that create, distribute and market their favorite TV shows, movies, games, and other entertainment properties. From developing your brand’s unique voice on social platforms to a customized content and community management strategy, DMM treats every brand differently because we believe every brand should be unique.

Brands We Work With

Lionsgate STX MGM DC IMDB Pro Showtime NBC USA
Social Strategy & Creative Ideation
Innovate how content goes to market with native platform ideas.
Content Services
In-house team of designers, video production, web developers, animators and more.
Platform and Community Management
Extend your team with experts overseeing execution and engaging with communities across all social media platforms.
Paid Media Services
Scale the impact of your brand’s messaging with a comprehensive paid social strategy including ads and post boosting.
Monitoring & Reporting

Monitoring & Reporting

Insights with customized reports to optimize channel strategies.
Influencer Partnerships
Tap into influencer affinity to tailor custom campaigns.
Office Telephone

(323) 378-6505

Office Address

6555 Barton Ave, Ste. 190,
Los Angeles, CA 90038

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