Creating a centralized social destination with a cohesive social strategy for WSJ tentpole events.


DMM partnered with Dow Jones to bring the Wall Street Journal events to social in a new and exciting way. Our goals were to bring awareness to the events, build anticipation for panels and speakers, help drive registrations, and create a space for WSJ subscribers and attendees to follow along with the event and interact in ways not available to them previously. We also had the added goal of bringing together the WSJ+ and WSJ Events communities by creating a united social strategy.


Our team worked to create a holistic social strategy to turn the existing WSJ+ pages into a hub for WSJ Events. We focused on expanding the WSJ+ channels to an audience of younger, more social savvy followers who would be interested in the array of events offered throughout the year. We also updated the look of the channels by developing a more cohesive social creative aesthetic, featuring a series of templates that could be updated for each event to stand out in User’s feeds across various social media platforms. By layering in these objectives with our goals to help promote the events themselves, we saw an increase in overall impressions for WSJ+.

WSJ+ Article Spotlight


Tech Live was a huge priority for the WSJ events team, which ran virtually from October 18-20, livestreamed simultaneously on both coasts. We leaned heavily into the high caliber speakers and leveraged their large audience bases to bring new eyes to our pages, leading to an increase in shares and interactions. 

During the event, we provided live, on-the-ground coverage in both New York and LA, giving followers the opportunity to have more of an “inside look”  of the event in a way they hadn’t before. We also hosted the West Coast livestream at our DMM studios, which gave us unprecedented access to talent and the event. 


Our work with WSJ+ helped bring new audiences to the pages, as well as the WSJ events. Over the course of 2 months, we saw an average increase of 283% in impressions and 126% average increase in engagements across the WSJ+ Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, with the Instagram page also growing followers by 14%.