At DMM we believe that paid media and organic should work hand-in-hand to drive the biggest results and achieve a successful social media campaign. While many times amplification is forced to work in a vacuum, we have built a dedicated in-house paid media team to service our projects campaign goals and maximize the scale of any brand, show, or movie. Our paid campaigns begin with three goals — Awareness, Consideration and Intent. To help clients optimize their ad spends, boost organic content, and make the most out of any budget, we work with clients to analyze the entire landscape of their media mix, including target audiences and messaging factors, to determine how each impression can strengthen the campaign. By concepting and executing all our capabilities under one roof, we create the foundation for real time optimization, as each informs the other, thereby allowing us to refine each campaign through its lifespan and make the greatest impact. 

Office Telephone

(323) 378-6505

Office Address

6555 Barton Ave, Ste. 190,
Los Angeles, CA 90038

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