Uber Eats Canada partnered with Digital Media Management to generate brand awareness, drive new user acquisition in the family demographic, and increase orders from active family eaters.

A campaign featuring “urban millennial moms” supported with a media buy to boost visibility, new user acquisition and orders
Uber Eats Canada partnered with Digital Media Management to generate brand awareness, drive new user acquisition in the family demographic, and increase orders from active family eaters.
DMM sourced and secured 12 family influencers who fit the young urban families profile in multiple target cities including Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg to participate in the campaign. These “urban millennial moms” each posted one static image to their Instagram timeline, as well as a corresponding Instagram story.
Influencers illustrated how the Uber Eats service can help busy parents enjoy more quality time with their kids by eliminating the need for meal preparation. In addition to the organic posts, DMM managed a strategic media buy to boost the content to the influencers’ followers and others within the target demographic and priority cities.
The resulting 24 pieces of content from the campaign generated over 1.5 million impressions and very high-quality engagement. Influencers’ followers were very active in the comments, resulting in an overall engagement rate of 15%. The influencers acted as true brand ambassadors – answering questions and speaking very favorably about Uber Eats, garnering engagement rates up to 55% on their posts. The overall brand sentiment was very positive among this extremely engaged demographic.
Sure, going out is fun. But have you ever tried STAYING IN? I think our minds exploded when we realized how much we could order in so we could stay in by using @ubereats_canada Yes, even popcorn, nachos and ice cream. 16 year old me is really proud of 33 year old me. I feel that. Simply order on the @ubereats_canada app, and track as it comes straight to your door (this is key when we’re ordering that ice cream and kids are asking “Mom, when’s it coming??”). Took me maybe 1 minute to order and it was delivered way faster than we expected. Settled in with our snacks and enjoyed a movie ON OUR COUCH (again, that staying in… ooh it’s good). Check out my stories for our full food haul and more! #UberEats #ad
Il y a des matinées comme ça où nous avons juste envie de rester au lit bien emmitouflé au chaud. Pour endurer ce plaisir il n y a rien de mieux qu’un brunch ‘healthy’ commandé à travers l’application @ubereats_canada. Le choix est énorme, il y’en a pour tous les goûts. Finalement, mon mari et moi avons opté pour des toasts avocat, un bol de granola et des gaufres bleuets et cacao pour une note plus sucrée. C’était un délice! #UberEats @taniastrattiphoto
This #ad with @ubereats_canada is for all the real parents out there. The ones who might be feeling exhausted, always on the go, trying their absolute hardest by giving it their all and sometimes feeling like that still isn’t enough. The parents who love having a home-cooked meal on the table but recognize that isn’t always possible. I’m definitely one of them?????. I love cooking but I also love relying on #UberEats to make my life easier without sacrificing options for my family. I’m proud to be able to partner with them in hopes to make your lives easier too. It’s reliable, there are many options to choose from and it makes those busy days go a lot smoother (haha, trust me, it’s real good). Go get the @ubereats app, give it a try and let me know how grateful you are?
Finally starting to feel a little more settled from our move with the help of @ubereats_canada ???… they have such healthy options and it is delivered so efficiently which gives me more time for play and snuggles!! ? … So ideal for busy seasons likes these- I think that is my favorite part about moving is having an excuse to order take out every night ??… Thanks so much @ubereats_Canada#ubereats #ad
Finally starting to feel a little more settled from our move with the help of @ubereats_canada ???… they have such healthy options and it is delivered so efficiently which gives me more time for play and snuggles!!? … So ideal for busy seasons likes these- I think that is my favorite part about moving is having an excuse to order take out every night ??… Thanks so much @ubereats_Canada #ubereats #ad
(323) 378-6505
6555 Barton Ave, Ste. 190,
Los Angeles, CA 90038