Warner Bros. tasked Digital Media Management with creating a fun, inspiring, and informative social campaign for the heart-warming documentary, Batkid Begins.

Generating buzz for the heartwarming documentary through comic book inspired creatives
Warner Bros. tasked Digital Media Management with creating a fun, inspiring, and informative social campaign for the heart-warming documentary, Batkid Begins.
With a limited release and a small fan base, our social campaign needed to generate a large amount of buzz to help reach the general movie-going audiences who otherwise not aware of the film’s release. We designed our content to engage with the widest audience possible, with our creatives taking inspiration from Batman’s rich comic book history. This helped expand the reach of the film, as the content was shared by fans who had more of a connection with the character than the story of the film. Additionally, we partnered with an artist at DC Comics to create a series of four animated Batkid Begins comic panels.
Fans responded incredibly well to the content, and we increased the total page likes by approximately 200%. The comic panel videos were provided to outlets and other brands (such as USA Today and the San Francisco Giants) for press placement, which further increased reach, engagement, and the film’s social thumbprint. Additionally, the trailer was viewed over 160,000 times, with over 5,000 shares.
(323) 378-6505
6555 Barton Ave, Ste. 190,
Los Angeles, CA 90038